On October 18, Windows 8.1 will be released. Which is free if you have Windows 8 already, and can be purchased if you have an earlier version of Windows. As something new, you can also download Windows if you e.g. want to install on an empty hard drive or virtual.
If you have Windows 7, you can upgrade to Windows 8.1 and keep your files, but programs must be reinstalled.
If you have Windows XP or Vista, you cannot upgrade directly, but will have to do a clean installation. It is therefore necessary to make a backup of your files beforehand.
Rea more here, and if you can’t wait, you can download Windows 8.1 Preview.
*** This is obviously very old news, and just archived here. Windows 8 went into “End of life” on January 10, 2023, is without support and will not receive updates.